Course description: Welcome to MATH 5111, this class covers the fundamentals of group theory and its applications in Galois theory. Topics include:

  • Groups and their structure: Basic examples, homomorphisms and isomorphisms, types of subgroups, classification theory

  • Rings and fields: Types of rings, polynomial rings and their properties/algorithms

  • Galois theory: Field extensions, the Galois group and its applications


  1. Abstract Algebra, Third Edition, by David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote. (required)

  2. Algebra, Third Edition, by Serge Lang

  3. Fields and Galois Theory, by J. S. Milne

  4. Galois Theory, by Emil Artin

Syllabus: pdf 

Midterm: pdf | Wed Oct 26th. In-class written exam, closed notes/book. Lectures 1-12, Homework 1-4.

Final Exam: pdf | Due by Friday December 16th 2022, 5:00pm.


  • Homework 1 : pdf | Due : 09/21/2022

  • Homework 2: pdf | Due : 09/28/2022

  • Homework 3: pdf | Due : 10/05/2022

  • Homework 4: pdf | Due : 10/19/2022 10/12/2022

  • Homework 5: pdf | Due : 11/09/2022

  • Homework 6: pdf | Due : 11/16/2022

  • Homework 7: pdf | Due : 11/30/2022

  • Homework 8: pdf | Due : 12/07/2022


  • Lecture 1 [09/07/2022]: What’s the course about (Groups, rings, fields and their extensions, intro to Galois theory and its applications), what is a Group.

  • Lecture 2 [09/12/2022] pdf: Examples of groups, in particular the Symmetric and Dihedral group. Dummit & Foote Ch. 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3

  • Lecture 3 [09/14/2022] pdf: Subgroups and homomorphisms. Examples and detection criterion — center, alternating group, group generated by a subset (e.g., cyclic). Dummit & Foote Ch. 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4

  • Lecture 4 [09/19/2022] pdf: More on homomorphisms (epi, mono, iso), Cayley’s theorem, group actions (stabilizer and centralier). Dummit & Foote Ch. 1.6, 1.7, 2.2,

  • Lecture 5 [09/21/2022] pdf: Cosets and Lagrange’s thm, Normal subgroups, Isomorphism thm I. Dummit & Foote Ch. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1

  • Lecture 6 [09/26/2022] pdf: More on normality (the normalizer and equivalent conditions). Dummit & Foote Ch. 3.1

  • Lecture 7 [09/28/2022] pdf: The commutator, operations between subgroups, ISO thm II. Dummit & Foote Ch. 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

  • Lecture 8 [10/03/2022] pdf: ISO thm III, Kernel (faithfulness) of an action, the orbit/stabilizer formula, subgroups with minimal prime index are normal. Dummit & Foote Ch. 3.3, 4.1, 4.2

  • Lecture 9 [10/05/2022] pdf: Cauchy’s thm (proof = Abelian version), the class equation, p-groups have nontrivial center, conjugation in S_n, A_5 is simple. Dummit & Foote Ch. 3.4, 4.3

  • Lecture 10 [10/12/2022] pdf: The Sylow theorems, Dummit & Foote Ch. 4.5

  • Lecture 11 [10/17/2022] pdf: Review, classifying groups of small order

  • Lecture 12 [10/19/2022] pdf: Classification of Abelian p-groups and finite Abelian groups. Lang Ch. I.7, I.8

  • Lecture 13 [10/24/2022] pdf: Free Abelian groups and torsion. Lang Ch. I.7, I.8

  • Lecture 14 [10/31/2022] pdf: Classification of finitely generated Abelian groups + Rings and ring homomorphisms. Lang Ch. I.7, I.8 + Dummit & Foote Ch 7.1, 7.2, 7.3

  • Lecture 15 [11/02/2022] pdf: Integral domains, ideals (principal and maximal), quotients, ISO theorems (I, II, III) for Rings. Dummit & Foote Ch 7.3, 7.4

  • Lecture 16 [11/07/2022] pdf: Prime ideals, Euclidean Domains and Principal Ideal Domains. Dummit & Foote Ch. 7.4, 8.1, 8.2

  • Lecture 17 [11/09/2022] pdf: Prime elements, Unique Factorization Domains (UFD), adding a root to a field, Eisenstein Criterion. Dummit & Foote Ch. 8.3, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5

  • Lecture 18 [11/14/2022] pdf: Roots and irreducibility (rational roots test, Gauss’ lemma, Eisenstein’s Theorem), Field extensions and adding roots. Dummit & Foote Ch. 9.4, 13.1.

  • Lecture 19 [11/16/2022] pdf: Degree of a field extension, algebraic vs transcendental elements and minimal polynomial, Dummit & Foote Ch. 13.1, 13.2.

  • Lecture 20 [11/21/2022] pdf: Splitting fields, Dummit & Foote Ch. 13.4,

  • Lecture 21 [11/28/2022] pdf: Algebraic closure, separable extensions, Normal extensions, finite fields 13.4, 13.5

  • Lecture 22 [11/30/2022] pdf: Galois extensions and the Galois group Dummit & Foote Ch. 14.1

  • Lecture 23 [12/05/2022] pdf: The field fixed by a subgroup, characterizations of being Galois (e.g., splitting field of a separable polynomial). Dummit & Foote Ch 14.2

  • Lecture 24 [12/07/2022] pdf: The Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory, and applications: The fundamental theorem of algebra, solvability by radicals Dummit & Foote Ch. 14.2, 14.6, 14.7